mushroom tea immune system

Nature’s Rise recently conducted a study demonstrating that adding mushroom tea to morning ritual is an effective natural solution to increasing energy, decreasing stress levels and improving cognitive performance.

Medicinal mushrooms contain immune-enhancing compounds encased within their chitin cell walls that are released by hot water, enabling us to absorb these raw nutrients.

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane is a nootropic, meaning that it enhances brain health and function. Two specific compounds found within it – hericenones and erinacines – may provide support to nerve and brain health while possibly aiding memory formation by creating new neurons within the hippocampus (responsible for memory formation). Furthermore, studies suggest these nootropic compounds could help mitigate depression-related cognitive effects by contributing to healthy moods while slowing oxidative stress-induced neuron loss.

Animal research has demonstrated that hericenones and erinacines stimulate Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), an important protein essential to supporting nerve cell health, as well as encouraging neuron growth and improving cognition and memory in mice. Hericium erinaceus supplements were shown to significantly improve performance on cognitive tests while another clinical trial discovered lion’s mane supplementation significantly enhanced cognition and memory among those suffering mild cognitive impairment.

These results are very encouraging and suggest that lion’s mane may help those with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other neurodegenerative conditions to improve cognitive health and function. More research must be conducted in order to validate these findings and ascertain its best uses in improving cognitive health and function.

Lion’s mane may support not only brain and nerve health but is also thought to boost immune system functioning and lower infection risks. As a natural anti-inflammatory substance, it’s believed to increase beta-glucan concentrations in bloodstream. Beta-glucan can suppress tumor development while simultaneously activating immune cell activation mechanisms.

Lion’s mane is increasingly being found in food supplements, foods, and beverages – from mushroom coffee and mushroom hot cocoa to powders that can be added to meals and drinks. With its delicate lobster or crab-like taste and texture, this ingredient adds depth and dimension to pasta salads, soups, stews, and other dishes.

Lion’s mane is an effective antioxidant that can protect cells and stave off cancer’s spread. Its polysaccharides may shield body cells from free radical damage; tests conducted on human and animal cancer cells show they significantly decreased tumor growth rates while increasing expression of genes associated with cell repair while offering protection from radiation-induced damage in laboratory experiments conducted on lung cells.