Mushroom teas have long held an allure for consumers seeking health and wellbeing, thanks to their earthy umami flavors which differ depending on the mushrooms used.

Mushroom supplements are simple and straightforward ways to enjoy their benefits in your morning ritual, making adding one an effortless way to maximize their effects.


Chaga fungus grows on wounded trees, most commonly birch, with an outer dark layer resembling charcoal. It has long been used as folk medicine throughout Russia and elsewhere due to its abundance of antioxidants which protect the body against free-radical damage caused by free radicals and help prevent cancer and age related conditions such as premature aging and cancer cells spreading rapidly through its cells. Furthermore, betulinic acid found within chaga contains anti-inflammatory properties which inhibit tumor growth while slowing their spread by helping limiting tumour growth by slowing cell spreading between cells thereby decreasing tumor growth or slowing their spread by slowing their spread through cells by slowing their spread from spreading further.

Chaga is a natural source of energy and can effectively fight viruses and pathogens, while simultaneously strengthening immunity and aiding liver detoxification. Furthermore, as an adaptogen it helps support normal metabolism while simultaneously decreasing inflammation in the body.

Chaga is an incredible superfood packed with essential b-complex vitamins, potassium and beta glucans that promote healthful blood sugar levels while protecting against environmental factors like pollution and radiation exposure. Additionally, it is believed to promote cardiovascular protection as it contains antioxidative effects against environmental stressors like pollution or radiation exposure.

Chaga may help reduce diabetes risk by decreasing the amount of glucose absorbed from food during digestion. Its compounds may help stop alpha-glucosidase from breaking down starches and sugars into glucose. But as it’s not a medicinal mushroom, people with diabetes should first consult with their healthcare provider before considering using Chaga as part of a treatment strategy.

Chaga tea can be prepared by steeping chunks of Chaga fungus in hot water for at least an hour to extract its maximum nutritional benefit. After this initial step, simmer the chunks for additional hours as this allows more nutrients to be extracted from the Chaga. Enjoying Chaga tea alone or as part of herbal tinctures or beverages such as smoothies is possible; its benefits can also be stored for five days in the fridge with raw honey or maple syrup added as sweetener for sweetened enjoyment! For an alternative approach, some individuals brew chunks in Crock-Pots which create rich, hearty brew that can be consumed throughout the day – great way!


Reishi mushrooms are one of the best-known functional mushrooms. Reishi acts as an adaptogen, helping the body cope with stress by increasing energy levels and providing relief. Reishi also has many health benefits including balancing hormones and improving sleep quality; antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory compounds present that can treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis; fatigue reduction and emotional stability are additional advantages that this super food offers.

Reishi mushrooms contain beta-glucans, complex sugars that have been shown to stop or slow tumor growth. Reishi may also promote natural killer cells in white blood cells to target abnormal and cancerous cells, according to research. It may even reduce their invasiveness and spread.

Reishi mushrooms can be eaten raw, though most prefer cooking them to make digestion easier and increase bioavailability of its nutrients. Reishi can be added to tea or soup and stew dishes; its bitter flavor means it should be mixed in with other ingredients so as to disguise its taste.

One of the most popular ways to use Reishi is as a tea. To create this relaxing beverage, simply break some dried Reishi into small pieces and combine with high-proof alcohol in a jar before leaving it to steep for an hour or more before straining out and drinking your beverage of choice! Reishi tea can be enjoyed anytime of day but especially beneficial before bed as its soothing properties provide relief and restful slumber.

Reishi tea can be consumed alone or mixed with other beverages like chai. Some people also add slices of ginger or honey for additional flavor enhancement. When selecting organic or hand-harvested reishi for decoction purposes, to ensure it is free of chemicals or pesticides.

Reishi can be purchased at most health food stores and online. It comes in powder form as well as whole reishi mushroom capsules or tablets; before taking any supplement it is wise to speak to your healthcare provider first, particularly if any health conditions exist.

Lion’s Mane

The Lion’s Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) is an edible and medicinal mushroom recognized for its brain-boosting benefits, specifically memory enhancement and possible protection from neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.* Studies have demonstrated its memory aid properties while it may even offer some protection against neurodegeneration such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.*

Vitamin D and B vitamins, along with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron and potassium can all be found here, not to mention dietary fiber, protein essential fatty acids beta-glucans and hericenones*.

Scientists have recently discovered that Lion’s Mane mushrooms contain compounds called hericenones and erinacines, which stimulate brain cell growth while helping prevent nerve damage. Furthermore, these mushrooms have also been shown to reduce oxidative stress while increasing neurotrophic factors that support healthy nerve function*.

One clinical trial demonstrated that taking Lion’s Mane extract twice daily for two weeks significantly enhanced mental performance and happiness among healthy adults, according to small but promising findings in this clinical trial.* Though this research study was small in scope, its results are encouraging.*

Lion’s Mane mushroom supplements are an enjoyable addition to tea and coffee beverages, providing additional brain and immunity benefits.* Additionally, Lion’s Mane may be combined with cordyceps and reishi mushroom supplements for even greater effect.*

Danny Walsh, founder of Peak State, turned to a combination of Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps and Reishi to overcome ulcerative colitis. Following this miraculous turnaround in his gut health, he founded Peak State – offering low-acid coffee infused with mushrooms for optimal digestive and immune wellness.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes Lion’s Mane mushrooms as functional foods that help digestion, boost spleen health and alleviate anxiety and depression. * Additionally, this mushroom has been used to combat anxiety and depression symptoms.*

Mushrooms offer an easy way to add herbs and spices to your diet, which may help balance hormone levels, improve mood and sleep, as well as strengthen immunity.*

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are one of the most versatile cooking ingredients, boasting mild flavors that enhance other tastes without overwhelming them. Cooked quickly and absorbing flavor quickly from other ingredients, it makes an excellent addition to soups and sauces alike – just be sure to cook thoroughly, since all mushrooms contain chitin which can cause gastric distress or an allergic reaction if consumed raw!

Turkey Tail

TikTok users who have recently visited could have come across #turkeytail videos tagged with this hashtag, named for its fan-shaped fungus that resembles the tail of a turkey, is becoming an increasingly popular immune-boosting supplement. Studies have demonstrated that taking turkeytail for eight weeks can repopulate gut with beneficial bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus while simultaneously decreasing Clostridium and Staphylococcus count; making this great news for anyone dealing with digestive issues or looking to boost immunity!

Turkey Tail mushroom’s benefits can be attributed to its beta-d-glucans and triterpenes, which have been shown to regulate immune response and strengthen immune function. Furthermore, Turkey Tail contains polysaccharides such as polysaccharide krestin (PSK) and polysaccharide peptide (PSP), both known to activate certain immune cells while supporting anti-tumor activity.

PSK and PSP mushroom extracts differ from others because they can be extracted using water instead of solvent extraction. This dual extraction method makes accessing more bioactive compounds possible, leading to greater therapeutic effects and making turkey tail an invaluable weapon against cancer and other conditions.

Studies have demonstrated that turkey tail mushroom extracts can significantly curb tumor growth and spread, as well as helping combat immunosuppression caused by radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

While research on turkey tail is still relatively limited, more high quality trials are essential in validating its results and understanding how best to utilize it as a health supplement. We suggest including it into your diet through tea or tinctures in order to assess if it helps any symptoms you are currently experiencing – make sure the product doesn’t contain bulking agents and fillers as these will detract from its medicinal properties; add honey or lemon for extra sweetness to offset its earthy taste and bitter taste; alternatively opt for turkey tail tincture as it’s more portable and convenient!