Mushroom tea is an effective and straightforward way to consume psilocybin. Simply combine dried or powdered mushrooms with hot water and steep them until ready.

Some brands provide pre-mixed options that dissolve quickly in hot water, providing faster onset and greater dosing control, without any sugar or allergens found in many food products.


Mushroom tea is an alternative way of taking in mushrooms that has quickly gained in popularity among those previously unaware of its benefits. Made up of hot water infused with mushroom extract made from either dried or fresh mushrooms, mushroom tea serves as an effective meditation aid that encourages users to focus on being present and appreciating what each moment brings – particularly beneficial for those suffering from depression or anxiety.

Storage of mushroom tea correctly is key, as improper handling can reduce its potency or render it completely ineffective. To store any left over tea safely, refrigerate it before using within one or two weeks; alternatively you could freeze any extra for later consumption.

Dried mushrooms offer longer shelf lives than fresh varieties, lasting several months in dry environments and up to one year if stored properly in the freezer (if sealed tightly). Drying offers a simple method for microdosing purposes as it requires very minimal equipment or time commitment.

Once mushrooms have been dried, they can be used for multiple applications including creating mushroom tea, lemon tek and microdosing capsules. To protect their integrity and maintain quality results, it is advised that they be stored in an ideal dark and cool location away from light and heat; plastic containers could cause them to decompose more rapidly.

Mushroom tea can provide an effective and healthful alternative to coffee or just be an interesting new experience, without breaking the bank! Not only is it tasty, but mushroom tea may help to improve mental clarity while increasing overall well-being. For more ways of including mushrooms into your daily life check out our guide of mushroom microdosing protocols for beginners!


Many health enthusiasts have recently turned to mushroom tea in lieu of coffee or tea for morning beverage consumption, claiming it will boost energy and cognitive function. We consulted registered dietitians and scientific experts for answers.

Mushroom tea has long been created by mixing dried functional mushrooms into hot water and allowing it to infuse. Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Chaga mushrooms are popular choices; each offering unique advantages like hormone regulation, reduced stress levels and increasing oxygen intake.

Powdered options that blend directly into hot water do not require steeping, making these teas less traditional but still providing similar nutritional benefits. To get more value from this, using whole functional mushrooms when creating your tea may provide greater nutritional benefits.

First step of making mushroom tea: grinding mushrooms – either fresh or dried – in a food processor or coffee grinder. This step helps speed up extraction during brewing. For added convenience and saving time in the kitchen, mushroom tea sachets may also exist that skip this step altogether.

Add any additional ingredients that you’d like, such as herbs or spices that pair well with mushroom flavor, into your tea for an enhanced drinking experience. These additions may help mask its taste while adding additional depth of flavor and texture to your beverage.

Pour boiling water over ground mushrooms and allow them to steep for approximately 15 minutes before straining out and serving. For a stronger tea experience, extend this period or increase the quantity of water by increasing or even tripling its quantity.

Explore various varieties of mushrooms to determine which you prefer the most, like chaga which is well known for its anti-inflammatory effects and digestion aiding effects, or cordyceps which has immune enhancing benefits that could improve athletic performance.


Mushroom tea has become increasingly popular as an alternative to coffee due to its unique health benefits. Mushrooms of various varieties such as psychedelic varieties can be used in mushroom tea preparation for additional sensory enhancement and spiritual experiences. Furthermore, mushroom tea may help improve mental, physical, and emotional well-being – an excellent option for people living with anxiety or other forms of stress in their lives.

When making mushroom tea, it is crucial to use clean tools. Failing to wash your mushrooms beforehand could result in sogginess and waterlogging which could lead to bacterial growth that could ruin your tea. Also, it is vital that they dry completely prior to storage; an airtight container free from heat, light and moisture is ideal. To further ensure no moisture contaminates them further you could attach a desiccant packet or silica gel strip onto the top of the jar for extra security.

After washing mushrooms, pat or brush them to remove any dirt. Do not soak the mushrooms for too long in water as this could cause them to become waterlogged; otherwise they may lose texture and flavor quickly.

Keep mushrooms stored either in a bag or glass jar in your kitchen, labelling each container accordingly with its contents. They should last up to one year if stored correctly – however it is advisable to inspect jars every three months and discard any that appear moldy.

Once your kombucha has fermented for approximately one week, strain out and add additional starter culture for a new batch. Be sure to use a sanitized funnel when transferring liquid into bottles – leaving at least an inch of headspace between each one in order to prevent Acetobacter contamination.

After straining your tea, you can add herbal blends, fruit juices or other flavors for an exciting taste experience. Chaga mushroom tea is especially great for stimulating your body in the morning and can even aid with weight loss! Additionally, its antioxidant-rich nature and immune boosting benefits make it a fantastic source of nutrition and help strengthen immunity systems.


Mushroom tea is an easy and delicious way to take advantage of the numerous health benefits associated with mushrooms. It can be prepared quickly using only basic ingredients, and consumed anytime for instant energy and mental clarity on-the-go. In addition, mushroom tea has also been known to boost immune function, promote digestive health, reduce inflammation, and support overall heart wellbeing.

Not every individual experiences the same effects from taking mushrooms; high doses may lead to unpleasant side effects and it is advised that you consult a healthcare provider prior to adding mushrooms into your diet. If you’ve become dependent on mushrooms, professional substance abuse treatment in NYC could be exactly what’s needed to break free. Contact Ascendant New York now for more information about our addiction rehabilitation center and start your road to recovery today.

Dutch researchers decided to conduct an experiment using mushroom substrate as a filter, because concentrations of drug residues and pesticides were increasing in surface and groundwater bodies, endangering aquatic life. After conducting their investigation, the team discovered that mushroom substrate could serve as an efficient filter by effectively filtering out harmful substances – making for a sustainable alternative solution when purifying contaminated water sources.

Additionally, the team discovered that compost produced through mushroom cultivation contains many beneficial nutrients for plants and soil, while also breaking down lignin–an abundance material found in industrial waste products–into smaller components that can have less of an environmental impact. Furthermore, adding tea production waste to mushroom substrate improved its lignin content thus decreasing negative environmental impacts.

Researchers hope to create an economically feasible method of producing mushroom substrate from waste materials. Their strategy involves combining mushroom substrate with tea production waste and sawdust, both of which have low organic carbon contents. Their ultimate aim is to achieve higher yield than when using traditional peat casings while improving product quality as a result of this approach.