Reishi, Turkeytail and Maitake (Grifola frondosa) mixed together with peppermint to support immune function and provide stress relief, nootropic and endurance benefits in an herbal tea blend.

Scientists recently reported that women who regularly consumed mushrooms and green tea had significantly lower risks of breast cancer compared with those who didn’t consume either daily. Although this research didn’t establish causation between eating mushrooms or green tea and breast cancer risk reduction, scientists couldn’t establish cause and effect.

Immune System Support

Medicinal mushrooms have long been revered for their immune-enhancing and cancer fighting powers, notably when taken alongside chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Their powerful arsenal of compounds includes polysaccharides, triterpenoids (including ganoderic acids), beta glucans, and ergosterol which work to scavenge harmful free radicals while decreasing inflammation thereby protecting DNA damage and inhibiting cancer growth. Furthermore, medicinal mushrooms strengthen natural antioxidant defense mechanisms within the body to shield it against certain conventional cancer therapies like chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

Mushroom tea‘s anti-tumor properties can be attributed to its ability to increase immunity and modulate the immune system, enabling it to recognise and destroy tumour cells more effectively. They have also been demonstrated to inhibit apoptosis (programmed cell death) as well as reduce tumor cell invasiveness. Furthermore, mushroom extracts have shown improved outcomes for breast cancer patients when combined with standard therapy.

Studies indicate that Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) could be particularly effective at improving immune function and mitigating chemotherapy side effects. Reishi mushroom supplements appear to work by increasing production of cytokines that boost immunity systems.

Lentinan, an anti-immune compound found in shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes), has been extensively studied for its immunomodulatory benefits. This substance enhances macrophage and natural killer cell activity as well as stimulating cytokine production; furthermore it improves immune response against cancer such as melanoma and lung cancer, while simultaneously encouraging cell regeneration.

Chaga mushrooms (Inonotus obliquus) are another powerful immune-enhancing medicinal mushroom. Like its counterpart reishi, Chaga can activate your natural cytokine production and enhance chemotherapy against both ovarian and prostate cancers. Furthermore, Chaga is said to improve quality of life for cancer patients while alleviating physical and psychological strain caused by cancer diagnosis.

Anti-Cancer Activity

Studies have demonstrated that mushrooms possess anti-cancer properties that could aid traditional cancer therapies. This is largely due to the way mushrooms activate and strengthen immune cells such as T cells and natural killer cells, stimulating production of cytokines which inhibit tumor growth while killing cancer cells directly. Furthermore, mushroom supplements have also been discovered to induce apoptosis among cancer cells while suppressing angiogenesis (blood vessel formation that supports tumour growth), ultimately stopping progression.

Anti-cancer properties of various varieties of mushrooms have been discovered, including Reishi, Turkey Tail, Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane varieties. Reishi mushrooms possessing immunomodulatory activities which enhance macrophage and natural killer cell activity to increase immunity system function; furthermore these mushrooms possess bioactive compounds which can reduce inflammation, increase energy levels, stimulate production of cytokines that inhibit tumour cell proliferation as well as induce apoptosis induced by cancerous cells; turkey Tail mushrooms similarly stimulate production of cytokines which inhibit tumour cell proliferation as induce apoptosis while Cordyceps also possess immunomodulatory activities, while turkey Tail mushrooms possess these anti-cancer properties – further increasing immune system function while cordyceps induce apoptosis upon cancerous cells while turkey Tail mushrooms stimulate production of cytokines that inhibit tumour cell proliferation as induce apoptosis in cancerous cells thereby improving overall immune system function while turkey tail mushrooms stimulate production of cytokines which inhibit tumour cell proliferation as induce apoptosis in cancerous cells while Cordyceps and Lion’s mane have similar properties that induce cancerous cell apoptosis-inducing both properties apoptosis through their respective anti-cancer properties as well.

Lion’s mane mushrooms contain medicinal properties that may help defend against oxidative stress-induced damage to liver and nervous systems, as well as inhibit the growth of cancerous liver and colon cells and relieve precancerous cells-caused discomfort in gastrointestinal areas.

As well as possessing anticancer effects, medicinal mushrooms have also been shown to inhibit angiogenesis – the process by which new blood vessels form to supply tumours with nutrients and oxygen – thus depriving them of resources they need for growth. Furthermore, many medicinal mushrooms possess antimetastatic properties, meaning that they can prevent cancerous cells from spreading from one part of the body to the next.

Mushroom tea’s health advantages can be attributed to its active constituents such as beta-glucans, triterpenoids and polysaccharides. By strengthening immune defenses and inducing apoptosis while inhibiting angiogenesis and preventing metastasis, these compounds can significantly enhance conventional cancer therapy outcomes.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity

An unexpected cancer diagnosis can cause anxiety and stress that lead to body inflammation. Luckily, mushrooms contain anti-inflammatory compounds which can reduce these unwanted symptoms of inflammation in the body and strengthen immunity as well as prevent cancer cell growth. Drinking mushroom tea regularly can also boost your immunity system while simultaneously fighting cancer cell growth.

Mushrooms may often get lumped in with “plants”, but they’re actually fungi. While plants produce some essential vitamins and minerals, mushrooms boast powerful nutrients including beta-glucans – known to inhibit tumor growth in laboratory studies – as well as stimulating certain white blood cells which target abnormal — potentially cancerous — cells.

Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma sinense) has long been used as part of traditional herbal medicine traditions for good reason: studies have demonstrated its ability to increase energy levels, enhance sleep patterns and relieve chronic fatigue. Furthermore, studies have also revealed its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which may reduce radiation and chemotherapy-induced damage and protect cells against further damage.

Turkeytail (Turkish corydalis) fungus is often utilized as an effective remedy, helping reduce fatigue, depression and anxiety as well as increase cognitive functions and memory retention. Tyrosine present in turkeytail has also been proven to boost its effect on cognitive functioning.

Research suggests that eating mushrooms and green tea together may lower your risk of breast cancer. Experts believe these substances contain phytochemicals which inhibit aromatase activity in cancer cells.

Introduce tea into your diet as an easy and effective way to support immunity during and after cancer treatment, and help achieve holistic well-being – which involves physical, mental, emotional and social well-being – more quickly and easily. Our mushroom tea blends can make this easier with Lion’s Mane Matcha or Berry Brain available as examples combining mild organic matcha with the antioxidant benefits of reishi and turkeytail; or caffeine-free blends such as Chaga Tumeric Hibiscus which may improve cognitive function, immunity levels and promote overall well-being in general.

Antioxidant Activity

Tea has long been recognized for its health-enhancing benefits, from serving as an early morning wake up to detoxification support. Tea’s rich source of antioxidants helps neutralize free radicals while supporting overall wellbeing. Green tea’s epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) antioxidant has proven particularly helpful at strengthening immunity while aiding detoxification processes.

Integrating mushroom tea into your daily routine can magnify these benefits, as mushrooms contain anti-oxidants that combine well with the EGCG found in green tea to produce an incredible synergy that improves cellular health. Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps mushrooms contain mycochemicals that reduce free radical damage while Chaga is an adaptogenic mushroom with anti-inflammatory properties which has been proven to lower blood sugar levels, strengthen immunity systems and alleviate arthritis symptoms.

Reishi mushroom has long been recognized for its beneficial effects on stress and the immune system. Studies have demonstrated that Reishi can alleviate symptoms associated with anxiety and depression as well as improve sleep quality in those suffering from these disorders. Furthermore, scientific evidence shows Reishi can inhibit cancer cell growth while simultaneously strengthening immunity.

Researchers conducted a study that demonstrated how combining mycochemicals from mushrooms with EGCG could produce more powerful results than either one alone, with significantly decreased proliferation of human breast cancer cells and consumption of both mushrooms and green tea being shown to lower both incidence and recurrence rates of breast cancer for Chinese women.

Mushroom tea is a beverage that combines the adaptogenic benefits of mushrooms with the antioxidant strength of green tea extract to offer various health advantages, including improved cognitive function, increased hydration levels and reduced cancer risks. Regular consumption has many proven health advantages for its drinkers.

Start adding mushroom tea into your daily routine today by starting off right! We offer Lion’s Mane Matcha or Berry Brain Blend as delicious immune-boosting beverages; or explore our entire collection of matcha and herbal blends for even more flavors to try.