Mushroom tea is an amazing beverage full of health-promoting nutrients. Created simply by decocting mushrooms in hot water, making this tea can easily be made at home and it tastes fantastic!

Tea blends consisting of various mushroom varieties can be combined for their specific effects, for instance to balance immunity or energy and focus. Reishi and chaga may be combined for immune support while cordyceps and lion’s mane provide energy and focus boost.

1. Choose Your Mushrooms

Companies are increasingly turning to mushroom-infused beverages to take their health foods beyond being “trendy”. These products boast various health benefits that range from immune enhancement and energy boosts, all the way to immune boosting properties.

Mushroom coffee, for example, combines reishi with other herbs and spices along with coffee beans and carob to provide an energy boost that rivals that of caffeine-laced beverages like espresso. Reishi tea provides another nutritious alternative; its blend includes reishi, chaga and cordyceps to improve mental clarity while providing natural energy boost.

Many foragers also choose to make their own tea from wild mushrooms, an intricate practice even experienced hunters can find daunting. Before harvesting, it’s wise to identify and verify their edibility – often by placing a cap gill side down on paper for several hours which allows spores to naturally disperse and aid identification. Also it is wise to be cautious and act in accordance with local custom when foraging unfamiliar habitats.

Tastes will differ depending on which mushrooms are used to craft it; Reishi offers an earthy and subtle grounding sensation, while cordyceps has more of an invigorating quality – and thus many mushroom teas include combinations of different species.

Ginger, cinnamon and pepper can all add additional elements to the tea to improve its flavor and health benefits. Some brands even offer teas formulated with various combinations of mushrooms for specific outcomes – for example reishi with lion’s mane for immunity enhancement and energy boost or cordyceps and reishi for focus enhancement – so customers can customize their experience of the beverage to find what feels right to them.

2. Soak the Mushrooms

Making mushroom tea is an adaptable process, tailored specifically to meet your body’s needs. For instance, this can involve soaking or gently simmering mushrooms for longer periods to enhance both their flavor and their medicinal benefits as they extract into hot water – this infusion also enables you to incorporate other flavors and spices into your drink!

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushroom tea is one of the best-known and celebrated in Eastern herbology, frequently referred to as “lingzhi”. Reishi works synergistically with our bodies to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, soothe nerves, promote mental clarity and focus, as well as promote overall well-being.

Reishi is an antioxidant rich food and beverage, helping protect cells against damage while strengthening our immune systems. Enjoy Reishi tea any time of the day for maximum relaxation!

Chaga (Inonotus obliquus), another mushroom variety which makes an excellent addition to tea blends, is another non-toxic fungus which can be cut into chunks or ground into powder and used for teamaking. Chaga’s woody taste and high antioxidant levels make it a powerful adaptogen, helping reduce stress levels, balance hormones and support healthy sleeping patterns.

If you choose to soak mushrooms before making tea, it is recommended that they remain fully hydrated overnight to add an enhanced flavor and bioavailability of nutrients in your beverage. This will make the final brew much richer in taste as well.

Many people enjoy mixing various mushroom varieties together to craft their own custom tea blend. Reishi and Cordyceps, for instance, are both excellent adaptogens that can boost energy without overtaxing your adrenals. Chaga and Lion’s Mane also make great companions that promote clear thinking and increase productivity.

3. Steep the Mushrooms

Once mushrooms have been grated or chopped (they can be hard to cut even when fresh!), they’re ready to be added to boiling water and simmered for around 20 minutes – this allows their medicinal properties to seep into the tea while creating an explosion of flavors!

While the specifics of making mushroom tea will depend on which species is selected, most mushroom tea recipes follow a similar process. Dried mushrooms are ground into fine powder before being added to boiling water in boiling water for preparation of tea; fresh mushrooms may be cut or sliced prior to addition into boiling water as desired. Additional ingredients, such as ginger may also be included if desired.

Mushroom tea’s flavors and benefits depend on which mushrooms are used; in general though, its qualities tend to be earthy with subtle earthing qualities. Certain strains like Reishi or Cordyceps may subtly energize the body, while others like Chaga or Lion’s Mane may reduce stress and support sleep. Furthermore, various blends may be created using multiple species combined together in order to achieve specific effects.

Making mushroom tea can be an excellent alternative to caffeine-infused beverages like coffee and sodas, providing a natural energy boost without the associated jitters or crashes. Enjoyed hot or cold, it can be sweetened with honey or sugar as desired and has added health benefits from turmeric, cinnamon, or ginger infusions for additional flavor or health advantages; such additions help balance its earthy flavors while adding warmth and supporting digestion.

4. Enjoy

No matter if it’s medicinal Reishi, Chaga or Lion’s Mane mushrooms or Psilocybin variety – making tea from them can unlock powerful healing benefits – but for optimal taste, potency and safety it is essential to follow this step-by-step process.

Mushroom tea is an increasingly popular superfood that offers numerous health advantages for its drinkers, from immune support and increased focus to decreased stress levels and stress relief. No wonder tech workers in Silicon Valley have long taken microdosing mushrooms in order to boost creativity and productivity.

To create this earthy elixir, boil some water and pour it over your desired mushrooms (ground or whole), in a teapot or zhong. Allow this tea to steep for 20 minutes before straining out any leftover mushrooms with a strainer. Finally add natural sweeteners or lemon, as desired, then sip while warm; garnishing it with ginger, green onion or coriander can enhance flavor further – serves 4.