Organo Gold coffee and tea has gained immense popularity among coffee enthusiasts due to its distinct taste, which stands out from standard varieties. Packed with Ganoderma Lucidum extract – known for boosting energy and immunity levels – Organo Gold offers something new.

Reishi mushroom spores are extracted without being crushed, allowing for greater penetration into the body and screening for mycotoxins.

Reishi Mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms have long been recognized for their ability to boost immunity and energy levels while simultaneously helping relieve stress and insomnia. Reishi mushroom tea or supplements should only be purchased from trusted brands and taken at the recommended dose; otherwise it’s wiser to consult a health provider for guidance if pregnant or breastfeeding women require extra medical support.

Reishi contains several powerful compounds, such as polysaccharides and triterpenoids, that have been demonstrated to strengthen the body’s natural immune response while inhibiting tumor growth. According to one study, reishi significantly enhanced macrophage and natural killer cell activity as well as increasing cytokine production; furthermore it may prevent cancer from spreading while supporting cell repair processes.

Reishi is believed to contain antioxidant properties which help combat free radicals, which are associated with many chronic diseases. Reishi may also support natural sleep cycles and alleviate stress and depression while simultaneously lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health. As an adaptogen, reishi increases your body’s capacity for dealing with changes in its environment.

In China, this mushroom is revered as a sacred medicine and has been utilized for millennia as part of spiritual tonic treatments to increase longevity and spiritual development. Furthermore, its use can boost your immunity while providing mental clarity.

Reishi can be consumed in several forms: beverage, supplement or powder. There are various brands of reishi supplements on the market; however, not all are created equally; look for one made with high-grade reishi and offering multiple delivery methods and flavors (Kindroot offers such products with tropical lychee & rosewater, bright orange or even floating vibe flavors!).

Reishi mushrooms can be grown both indoors or outdoors in areas protected from freezing temperatures in either the Southern USA or Northern USA with adequate protection from frostbite. Reishi has either seashell-shaped CONCH shapes or elegantly branching ANTLER shapes depending on its environment of growth.

Ganoderma Lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms have long been used in Chinese herbalism, often ranking close to ginseng for longevity of use. Renowned for their rich, bold flavour and powerful medicinal benefits, Ganoderma lucidum are frequently added to coffee as an additive for enhanced flavour. Organo Premium Gourmet Organic King of Coffee features high-grade coffee combined with this powerful ingredient to produce an instant coffee that boasts unique notes and character – it truly lives up to its name!

This mushroom’s spores contain polysaccharides, triterpenoids, peptidoglycans, amino acids, vitamins and minerals which have been demonstrated to be extremely potent and beneficial for our immune systems. They activate dendritic cells as well as other immune system cells to release cytokines which control tumor and virus growth within our bodies.

Ganoderma spores contain numerous polyphenols and terpenoids that act as powerful antioxidants to protect livers, kidneys, and protect against oxidative stress. Studies have also indicated they can prevent diabetes by helping regulate blood sugar levels while suppressing secretion of insulin from the pancreas; reduce inflammation; promote cardiovascular wellness, or help protect against an onset.

GLP has not only proven its hepatoprotective benefits, but has also shown to significantly alter the gut microbiota of rats with hepatic fibrosis by increasing Ruminococcus abundance and decreasing Prevotella levels. Furthermore, it was reported to promote human hepatocyte growth in vitro while attenuating SD rats’ alcohol liver disease by decreasing levels of fatty acid synthesis.

Spores of this mushroom reach their maximum potency during the 18th day after fruiting, when their polysaccharides and triterpenoids concentration is highest. That is why it is essential that high-quality spores be chosen for your organo gold capsules – ORGANO’s proprietary process gently cracks their shell to release beneficial properties for easy body absorption, making our organo gold products truly special. ORGANO strives to offer our customers only high quality products on the market; as part of this commitment research new ingredients or innovations will keep coming our customers.

Grapeseed Oil

Grape seed oil, extracted from grape seeds left over after winemaking, is used in gourmet cooking, salad dressings and cosmetic applications. Rich in polyunsaturates such as linoleic acid and vitamin E as well as naturally occurring antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties phenolic compounds make grape seed oil an ideal way to maintain cardiovascular health while decreasing your risk of chronic diseases.

As grapeseed oil contains high concentrations of omega-6 fatty acids, too much may increase your risk of inflammation and thus should only be taken with moderation in diet. Grapeseed oil can still make an excellent addition to a balanced meal plan when taken in moderation and added as part of daily nutrition routine.

Grapeseed oil offers more than heart health benefits; it can also assist in managing weight and improving hair and skin health. Furthermore, its abundant supply of vitamin E strengthens immunity against cancer as well as other serious illness.

Selecting an ideal cooking oil is key to overall wellness. Each oil offers specific nutrients and health benefits, and choosing one may prove challenging; when making this decision it’s essential that you consider your personal goals, lifestyle preferences, and health requirements before making a final choice.

There is an array of cooking oils to select from, with two of the more popular being olive and grapeseed oil. Both offer their own distinct set of health benefits and drawbacks; in this article we’ll take a deeper dive into them to help you decide which will be most suitable for you.

ORGANO Gold’s delicious and nutritious beverages combine the healing powers of Reishi Mushroom and Ganoderma Lucidum with grapeseed oil’s rejuvenating properties to produce tasty yet healthful beverages, ideal for improving immunity and energy levels. Reishi mushroom has long been used as a health supplement, known for reducing allostatic load – physical or mental stress placed upon your body – acting as an adaptogen and balancing out hormones while decreasing inflammation. Meanwhile Ganoderma Lucidum acts as an immune booster which has long been used over centuries while increasing stamina while being rich in essential fatty acids and phytochemicals – providing both powerful benefits!


Coffee is one of the world’s favorite beverages and is widely recognized for its health benefits. Coffee contains antioxidants to protect against free radical damage, while caffeine gives an energy boost. Furthermore, it contains other essential nutrients including fatty acids and soluble fiber; additional benefits may include lowering cholesterol, decreasing heart disease risk and improving cognitive performance.

Organo Gold offers mushroom-enhanced coffee blends for those who want the delicious taste and energy boost that coffee provides without its negative side effects, particularly stress or fatigue-inducing side effects. Their coffee contains reishi mushrooms which have been scientifically shown to enhance cognitive functions and immune system response – particularly beneficial if you suffer from stress or fatigue. In addition, this company also offers herbal supplements designed to make you feel your best!

This company provides a variety of coffee products, from black and green tea to their signature Reishi Coffee made with premium arabica and robusta beans combined with an extract from lingzhi mushrooms that has numerous health benefits.

Organo Gold’s black coffee is made from an organic blend of Colombia and Brazil beans and contains Ganoderma Lucidum for health benefits, no added sugar and is designed to boost energy levels. They offer instant coffee powders that can easily be mixed into hot water for an easy beverage solution.

They also provide other health-related items, including herbal supplements and personal care items. With different options to fit every individual need and an organic reishi mushroom capsule that can be added to food dishes.

Mushroom-enhanced coffee blends have quickly gained in popularity among enthusiasts of all varieties, as they offer both smoother drinking experiences and added health benefits. These unique beverages contain high-grade beans free of mold or mycotoxins; plus reishi mushrooms which have proven themselves as powerful adaptogens that can help enhance resilience to stress.