Organo Gold was established in 2008 with a mission of spreading Ganoderma – the “treasure of the earth”, through its coffee-based products.

Bernardo Chua, its founder and CEO, is widely revered in direct sales industry circles.

Product Information

Organo Gold offers a selection of coffee and Ganoderma-infused products available through their Independent Distributor network and Preferred Customer Program, both providing hassle-free monthly product shipments at 20% discounts to your doorstep. Their products contain Ganoderma which is widely considered the most medicinal mushroom available – products endorsed by former world number one golfer Greg Norman as well as Great White Shark Enterprises are featured among them! Organo Gold has regional offices on five continents. According to Direct Selling News they are the 55th largest networking marketing company worldwide

Company Information

ORGANO GOLD Enterprises boasts regional offices on five continents. Since its inception, Organo Gold has experienced explosive growth. Thanks to the incredible collaboration among CEO Bernie Chua, Shane Morand (Global Master Distributor) and Holton Buggs (VP Sales), Organo Gold has achieved incredible results and witnessed unprecedented expansion.

Aussie Rules Marine Services, Greg Norman and ABG-Shark LLC (“ABG-Shark”) request for this action to be transferred to the Southern District of Florida is granted, and all costs associated with that motion shall be covered by them. In addition, court grants ABG-Shark’s motion to dismiss Plaintiffs complaint due to lack of personal jurisdiction as they were improperly served and this action should have been filed there instead of where it currently resides; all parties’ submissions, arguments and evidence on this subject matter as well as applicable law are taken into consideration by Court when ruling upon this request by both parties involved and considering all arguments and evidence presented as well as laws applicable in this particular instance.

Distributor Information

OG offers its distributors free websites, training videos and webinars, as well as tools for business development. Furthermore, there is a team of business coaches available to assist Distributors with setting and reaching their goals; and Distributors may even make extra income by selling products directly to consumers – there is even an awards program in place that recognizes those who meet certain sales milestones!

The OG website features an assortment of products, each described in detail. In addition, this site provides details regarding the company’s compensation plan and benefits as well as an opportunity for visitors to sign up as new Distributors. Furthermore, testimonials from current Distributors can also be found here as well as an explanation of OG’s business model.

As well as providing information through this site, OG has also published several documents providing additional details of its compensation plan, including copies of its Distributor Agreement and sample sales presentations. Any parties interested can obtain these documents by visiting their OG website and clicking on “Resources.”

Distributors may return any unopened, unused, or otherwise defective products and sales aids (marketing tools) they personally purchased within one year from when the product was first ordered (no time limit in Montana). If our quality control department determines that these returned goods can be resold successfully at 90 percent net cost (minus setoffs/legal claims/settlements); shipping charges will not be reimbursed.

Organo Gold strives to ensure customer satisfaction with the products and services it offers. OG takes great care in inspecting each product sold to detect any possible defects; in cases of noncompliance with quality-control standards, returns may be rejected without refund being given back; should an item be found to be defective, Organo Gold will immediately replace it.

Organo Gold owns and operates this website. Except as otherwise specified, no part of it may be reproduced, copied, sold, retransmitted, transferred, modified in any form or by any means except for personal use. Downloading or altering this website in any manner without written authorization by Organo Gold is strictly forbidden.

Contact Us

Organo Gold offers regional offices on five continents for your convenience. Call your regional office, contact a distributor locally for help with any inquiries and/or reach out to their corporate headquarters in Livermore, California for any general inquiries.

Organo Gold is dedicated to your complete satisfaction with all its products and services, which is why all its sales aids, marketing materials, and other materials go through stringent quality control inspection. If a product proves defective upon inspection by its quality control department, Organo Gold will replace it or refund your purchase price as appropriate – however all returns must be postmarked within stated timelines to receive full credit for their return.

If you have any inquiries about the Terms of Service or practices on this Site, please reach out to us using the contact information listed below.

Organo Gold and its affiliates own all content found on this website, such as images and text, without exception. No part of it may be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, transferred, sold, visited or exploited for commercial gain without Organo Gold’s prior written approval. You must not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose trademarks, logos or proprietary information (such as images text page layout forms of any sort), without their express written approval; nor may you utilize meta tags or any “hidden text” that contain Organo Gold’s name or trademarks without their prior express written approval.

Use of this Website is entirely at your own risk. All content, information, materials, products (including software), and services included or otherwise made available through it are provided “AS IS” with no expressed or implied warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. ORGANO GOLD disclaims all warranties to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law; specifically including but not limited to implied warranties of mercantability and fitness for specific purposes as well as any warranties against viruses or harmful components found within it or sent via e-mail from ORGANO GOLD servers nor E-MAIL FROM ORGANO GOLD itself are exempt of such risks or assurances from ORGANO GOLD as to any such warranties in any respects whatsoever.