Premium Gourmet Organic King of Coffee is an exceptional and indulgent coffee that features rare Ganoderma lucidum spore powder for added intensity and unique properties. Spores act like seeds with their own specific set of properties.

Organo Gold stands apart from competitors by employing an exclusive patented process to gently crack open each double shell spore before infusing it in premium coffee beans.

It’s organic

The King Coffee is an aromatic arabica blend with an inviting sweetness that makes an excellent cup of healthy coffee. Made with organic Ganoderma Lucidum fruiting body powder, this dark roast coffee makes a good option for detoxification purposes and comes packaged in single serve sachets that make making delicious cups easy and convenient!

Superior quality sets this organic coffee apart from its competitors. Packed with antioxidants that combat oxidative stress and may prevent chronic diseases while keeping immunity strong, it also contains Ganoderma spores which may support immunity while alleviating chronic inflammation.

Ganoderma spores have long been utilized in Chinese herbalism. Containing triterpenoids and amino acids known as adaptogens – meaning that they help strengthen and make more resistant against disease – ganoderma spores are considered powerful anti-inflammatories as well as sources of energy.

Organo king uses reishi spores grown wild on logs in China’s Wuyi Mountains of Fuzhou region. Each mushroom cluster produces hundreds of tiny spores protected by an outer hard shell – similar to seeds in plants or grains – but unlike most companies which crush these precious nutrients during harvesting processes, Organo uses an innovative process which gently cracks its outer hard shell, thus maintaining their power while protecting precious nutrients within it.

Reishi spores combined with arabica beans create a high-quality, highly flavorful coffee which won the LOHAS Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability award 2022. Not only does this coffee meet strict Vegan, Nut Free and Halal certification criteria; its superior quality and unique blend of ingredients have become popular with consumers.

It’s mold-free

Reishi mushroom is one of the oldest medicinal mushrooms ever used, dating back over 2,000 years and used by many people to maintain a healthy immune system and energy levels. Packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients as an adaptogen – providing your body with all of the energy it needs to function as it should – Reishi has long been revered as having many healthful benefits including increasing energy, balancing hormones and even helping lower blood pressure.

Organo’s King Coffee and Spore Powder feature premium organic beans infused with reishi spores for therapeutic benefits. Reishi spores are harvested using a patent protected process that ensures their 99.9% bioavailability and potency before being added into Organo products like their King Coffee or Spore Powder.

ORGANO’s Reishi Coffee offers the ideal combination of taste and wellness. Utilizing a dark roast to highlight its flavors before infusing it with Reishi mushroom spores makes for a powerful coffee experience that also allows these powerful spores to absorb into its natural oils, increasing potency and bioavailability. Furthermore, ORGANO employs a proprietary process which guarantees their Reishi spores won’t be compromised or dilute during infusion.

This product offers an alternative to traditional coffee that’s mold-free and delicious with a hint of sweetness – and contains Ganoderma lucidum, an antiviral and immune boosting medicinal mushroom that’s packed full of antioxidatives! Enjoy it any time during the day to start off or end your day right! It also serves as an excellent source of antioxidants!

Organo’s products contain real spores from Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms – this makes their products far more effective than any others on the market. Their reishi is grown on logs in the Wagyu Mountains rather than being produced in a laboratory or plastic bag and they’re certified organic as well.

ORGANO’s King Coffee and Spore Powder products provide an economical way to reap the health benefits of reishi without breaking your budget. Both offer great alternatives to conventional coffee, with significantly less caffeine per cup compared to competing brands. Reishi products not only boost immunity but can help detoxify and reduce stress as well as promote a healthier lifestyle that can help people reach their personal goals more quickly.

It’s 99.9% bioavailable

ORGANO(tm) King of Coffee is an organic instant coffee packed with rare and exotic Ganoderma lucidum Spore Powder – “seeds” released from Ganoderma fungi when they reach maturity (after about 5-7 months of growth) which provide each spore its own unique properties and characteristics.

Spores are harvested using a patent-protected process that guarantees 99.9% bioavailability, then added to delicious beverages and nutraceuticals – including coffee – for an exciting boost in healthiness!

Reishi mushrooms have long been used as part of Chinese herbalism and have a wealth of documented health benefits. Reishi acts as an adaptogen, helping the body respond to stress more effectively and develop resilience while strengthening immunity and bolstering your overall well-being. Many of its effects are attributable to compounds called triterpenes found within Ganoderma spores which act as triggers.

Organo reishi is grown naturally on logs in the Wagyu Mountains of Asia using 100% organic mushrooms grown naturally on real logs that have been carefully selected by nature, free from mold or mycotoxins and harvested using an innovative proprietary technique for maximum triterpene concentration for enhanced immune and wellness benefits.

All their products come packaged in single-serving packets for convenient on-the-go use, making it simple and hassle-free to enjoy your favorite beverages anytime! Simply pour a sachet of coffee powder directly into a cup of hot coffee, mix and enjoy! Alternatively, dissolve them into water, iced tea, milk or milk-based beverages to make creamy lattes!

ORGANO has joined forces with one of the world’s largest organic Reishi plantationss to bring you this natural health gem. Their products are composed of high quality organic coffee beans and an exclusive blend of mushroom extracts; all without preservatives or any chemicals whatsoever! In addition, ORGANO also provides supplements and other items designed to support healthy living.

It’s delicious

Organo King coffee is made from organic fair trade beans and enhanced with Ganoderma lucidum mushroom for optimal enjoyment. The powerful Ganoderma lucidum mushroom can help bolster immunity while combatting off toxins, bust biofilms, support kidney function, eliminate viruses, and help with autoimmune conditions. Plus, its spores contain triterpenes and amino acids – providing immense health benefits!

This premium coffee blend comes packaged in portable sachets that make mixing it with hot water easy and enjoyable. Simply empty one sachet into your cup, fill the rest with hot water, stir, and you are good to go! Perfect for those on-the-go and needing an alert start to their day, this bold organic blend features no bitter or acidic notes for maximum enjoyment and refreshment.

Organo King instant coffee is unique in that it contains reishi as a powerful adaptogen that can reduce inflammation in the body – one of the leading causes of chronic illness. Studies have also demonstrated it increases energy and cognitive performance. Reishi mushrooms contain amino acids, antioxidants, and triterpenes which may help prevent cancer while improving healthy blood flow.

Organo king Reishi Spores are grown in Asia’s breathtaking Wagyu Mountains, unlike most products available which use lab-grown or plastic bag reishi spores as harvested by their unique harvest process. Spores harvested are gently cracked open through this unique method without dislodging their precious contents and added to beverages and nutraceutical capsules offered by Organo King.

Start your morning right and achieve a balanced diet with this product, perfect for starting the day right and trying something different! Choose between espresso or hazelnut flavors. Additionally, it is free from glycerin and lactose, making it suitable for people sensitive to dairy products as well. Plus, the handy sachets make brewing coffee on the go easy!