reishi ganoderma lucidum green tea

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum; lingzhi) has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an aid to health and longevity, providing immunity-enhancing antioxidants that benefit body systems throughout.

Water extracts of G. lucidum have demonstrated hypoglycaemic, antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and antiacetylcholinesterase activities in human studies. Furthermore, G. lucidum extracts have also demonstrated antiacetylcholinesterase properties. Furthermore, its use induced apoptosis-inducing properties against MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells; treatment using both green tea extract and G. lucidum extract significantly suppressed their proliferation.

Immune Booster

Lingzhi (Reishi) is highly esteemed in Asia for its anti-aging, immune boosting, sleep inducing properties as well as fatigue reduction and anxiety relief properties. Traditional Chinese Medicine considers Lingzhi an “herb of longevity.” Studies have proven its ability to activate natural killer cells, increase immunity levels within cells, inhibit tumor growth and induce cell differentiation – all hallmarks of longevity for any species of living being.

Ganoderma lucidum green tea is made with top quality organic green tea leaves and pure reishi extract, producing an exceptional mild and earthy flavour. Free from preservatives, artificial flavoring additives or coloring agents – making this ideal for those with delicate palates – and caffeine free, Ganoderma lucidum is also an ideal beverage to have anytime during the day!

Reishi mushrooms, commonly referred to in China as “mushrooms of spiritual potency”, have long been revered for their health-boosting benefits. Reishi is thought to help strengthen immune systems, prevent cancer and decrease stress levels while strengthening white blood cells – your first line of defense against disease and infection – and increasing phagocytosis, an important process used by white blood cells to phagocytose pathogens or toxins within your body.

Reishi can effectively inhibit cancer cell growth in vitro experiments, including ovarian and breast cancers. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated to lower secretions of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), a protein which aids cancer metastasis. Reishi has long been used in Asia as the “herb of immortality.” Additionally, studies show it promotes healthy cardiovascular systems, lowers blood pressure and fights free radicals effectively.

G. lucidum polysaccharide peptides administered three times a day over 90 days to 84 patients with Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome were found to significantly decrease systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C levels, IL-1b levels, hsCRP levels and TNF-a levels compared with placebo in this clinical trial (Wachtel-Galor et al. 2011). Other studies have also demonstrated improved lipid profiles as well as blood glucose levels in diabetic mice (Wachtel-Galor et al. 2011).


Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Reishi (Lingzhi or Reishi), has long been used in traditional Chinese Medicine for its scientifically backed medicinal properties, which include increasing energy levels, improving sleep quality and strengthening immune function. Four Sigmatic now offers organic nootropic-infused coffees featuring Reishi body powder from Ganoderma lucidum that provide extra antioxidant protection and health benefits from this superfood superfood! Four Sigmatic offers their popular Mood Fuel and Relax coffees featuring Reishi body powder from Ganoderma lucidum that provide extra antioxidant protection alongside all its health benefits! Four Sigmatic offers organic nootropic-infused coffees made from Ganoderma lucidum which have proven its medicinal qualities since antiquity. Four Sigmatic offers organic nootropic-infused coffees which feature Reishi body powder derived from Ganoderma lucidum which provide additional antioxidant benefits while also offering greater immune support! Four Sigmatic offers their popular Mood Fuel and Relax coffees featuring this powerful superfood!

Reishi mushrooms, often dubbed as the Mushroom of Immortality, contain polysaccharides, triterpenoids and beta glucans that boost energy while supporting immunity. Reishi’s glyconutrients improve levels of intracellular messenger cyclic-AMP and modulate neurotransmitter signaling to boost natural killer cell activity to fight infections, tumors and diseases – providing natural killer cell activation against infections, tumors and diseases such as cancer. A study to test its cancer fighting abilities found that mice administered low, medium and high doses of Reishi along with Tetgree died more slowly.

Reishi not only strengthens immunity but is also an anti-inflammatory. The beta glucans present in reishi stimulate natural killer cells that attack tumors, bacteria, viruses and other microbes while its ganoderic acid balances and enhances body systems while improving oxygen utilization and liver metabolic efficiency as well as decreasing free radical build-up.

Triterpenoids are the main constituents of reishi, with over 300 distinct triterpenoid compounds identified in its fruiting bodies and mycelia. Studies have identified their antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, antiacetylcholinesterase activities among others – which contributes to its bitter taste depending on strain, cultivation conditions, manufacturing processes.

Water-extractable G. lucidum polysaccharide products have been shown to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice through preservation of pancreatic islets. A recent randomised closed-label clinical trial involving 38 patients with atrial fibrillation found that three times daily administration of polysaccharide-based G. lucidum products significantly lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, total and LDL-C levels as well as proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6 and hsCRP). Compared with placebo.


Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi), the mushroom in this tea blend, has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen immune function and boost its resistance against illness. Recent scientific studies have demonstrated its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties; furthermore it’s also been proven to decrease fatigue levels, anxiety levels and sleep disorders. Furthermore, green tea extract is known to promote metabolic and cardiovascular wellbeing – such as by decreasing high-sensitivity CRP levels as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels in blood.

Green tea and reishi have both been demonstrated to possess synergistic effects, further strengthening the immune system. Both ingredients contain beta-glucans that have been shown to stimulate immune cells, strengthen defense mechanisms, reduce oxidative stress and protect cells against damage.

Researchers conducted two separate studies, both showing how reishi mushrooms reduced growth of invasive breast cancer cells without harming noncancerous cells and inducing apoptosis in tumor cells; furthermore they significantly increased survival among these mice. Another research paper demonstrated how green tea extract and reishi mushroom polysaccharide peptides together prevented adhesion, migration and invasion by MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells cultured in vitro; they also suppressed secretion of urokinase plasminogen activator by these cancer cells in vitro.

Reishi mushrooms have been demonstrated to possess anti-diabetic, hypoglycemic, anti-aging and antioxidant activities. Furthermore, multiple studies have demonstrated their ability to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as total cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting glucose – all risk factors for cardiometabolic disease. Furthermore, studies have also indicated they increase sensitivity of insulin receptors among diabetic patients.

Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum contains over 400 bioactive compounds that have been extensively researched for their anti-tumor, immune enhancing, anti-aging, anti-oxidative, antibacterial, antifungal and immunostimulatory properties. They have been proven to boost immunity while increasing energy levels; prevent heart disease by acting as an anti-inflammatory; promote healing; inhibit tumor growth with induce apoptosis of cancer cells and even reduce fat accumulation and prevent liver lipid synthesis – among others!

Sleep Aid

Reishi mushrooms are well-known for their ability to boost immune systems, promote sleep and lower stress levels. Furthermore, these potent herbs contain L-theanine amino acid which has the added bonus of increasing concentration while simultaneously soothing and relaxing your mind. Together these powerful ingredients make our Reishi Green Tea con Ganoderma drink an excellent way to stay on task at work or wind down after an exhausting day.

Reishi mushrooms have long been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, and recent research indicates they can bolster natural defense systems, increase energy levels and resistance against disease. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate pain and discomfort caused by inflammation. Reishi stands alone among mushrooms in its ability to contain triterpenoids – which contain strong antiviral, antiinflammatory and antibacterial activities – making this particular species all the more effective at providing protection.

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as the ‘mushroom of immortality”, hails from China and Japan and grows on logs or branches of trees in Asian forests, blooming with bright orange coloration and long brown stems that radiate outward from its base. Due to its ability to strengthen immunity systems and ward off illness and death, it has earned itself the moniker ‘the immortality mushroom”.

Reishi was discovered to increase both duration and frequency of REM sleep in rats, suggesting it could help treat insomnia or other sleep-related problems. Furthermore, its anti-anxiety properties may assist with relaxation and mood enhancement in humans.

Reishi tea has many healing and antioxidant benefits, as well as being an impressive anti-oxidant. Its constituents, especially its polysaccharides and b-glucans, have been proven to combat inflammation and oxidative stress while its polyphenols such as ganoderic acids have proven their antioxidant activity.

This reishi green tea con ganoderma is handcrafted using high quality green tea leaves from China’s Fujian Province – one of the world’s leading tea-growing regions – combined with organic Ganoderma Lucidum Lingzhi mushroom extract, produced without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, to give a blend that offers added strength, effectiveness, while still maintaining an enjoyable taste and aroma.