Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi mushroom, also known as lingzhi or mannentake, has been used medicinally for thousands of years and dubbed “Mushroom of Immortality”. Reishi is thought to promote good immunity, boost energy levels and calm minds while possibly even protecting against cancer [1].
Reishi mushrooms are edible edible mushrooms containing water-soluble proteins, dietary fiber, minerals (calcium and sulfur) and vitamins such as riboflavin and thiamin. Reishi has been reported to offer numerous health benefits, including relieving fatigue and depression while treating depression/anxiety due to its immune-enhancing qualities as well as being an anti-inflammatory substance that helps fight inflammation within the body.
Reishi tea may help relieve stress, improve mental clarity and promote restful sleep. Reishi mushrooms contain antioxidants thought to protect against damage from free radicals that contribute to premature aging and disease; furthermore it has also been reported to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels and could possibly treat hypertension and diabetes.
Reishi mushrooms have been shown to boost the activity of white blood cells – those cells responsible for fighting bacteria and viruses in the body – as well as helping stimulate new cell production in bone marrow to delay or prevent age-related bone loss.
Consuming reishi mushrooms could result in adverse side effects, including an allergic reaction. Before adding any new supplements to your diet – particularly herbal remedies – be sure to consult with a medical provider first.
Consideration should also be given to the fact that reishi mushrooms are unregulated, meaning their quality can differ from brand to brand and it is wiser to purchase products from trusted companies only.
Reishi mushroom not only acts as an effective anti-ageing agent, but its 5a-reductase inhibitors may help boost hair growth as well. By reducing DHT levels in your scalp, it creates an environment in which thicker and stronger follicles can flourish.
Reishi tea can be prepared by boiling fresh or dried reishi in hot water until its subtle earthy flavor emerges, similar to that of sage or licorice. Reishi mushroom tea should be enjoyed twice per day – once in the morning and again at night.
Reishi mushroom can be purchased as either capsules or an ingredient in other functional food and beverages, including coffee, chocolate, green tea and smoothies. Reishi has no significant interactions with prescription medications but should be taken with caution if taking chemotherapy treatments as they could interfere with how cancer cells are targeted for killing. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid taking Reishi as this could interfere with how chemotherapy treatments are working on them; additionally pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider regarding any potential interactions it might have with any medications they are taking before starting on this or anything else related to Reishi mushrooms to learn how it will interact with any potential interactions among medications they might take before making decisions such as these decisions about consuming Reishi tea before drinking it yourself to gain all possible advantages!