Tea Mushroom Fried Bacon
As much as there may be low sodium bacon bits available (including vegan options), they lack that signature umami flavor. But you can get that umami taste through other sources such as green tea, tomatoes and mushrooms (especially shiitake!) This easy meatless method for creating your own fried bacon with very minimal sodium is ideal for weeknight meals or breakfast on-the-go!
For optimal mushroom cooking results, place a mushroom press or heavy object (e.g. the lid of a pot or heavy skillet) over the mushroom cap in order to release their juice as they cook – this will produce succulent textures and delectable flavors! Alternately, they may still taste wonderful without pressing, though their juicy textures might not be quite as juicy and tender.
To enjoy, place the mushroom bacon on toast, layering it with lettuce, sliced tomato, salt and pepper and a drizzle of lemon juice for an uplifting, fresh taste. Refrigerate and store for up to three days!