Considerations when purchasing organic coffee include more than just its taste: environmental and ethical considerations should also be factored in. Conventional coffee, for instance, uses pesticides to keep bugs, fungi and diseases at bay while organic varieties don’t contain them – meaning you could potentially consume these chemicals with each sip! Furthermore, US government MRLs do not exist; thus any coffee drinker who buys non-organic varieties will ingest more chemicals with each sip they take!

Conventional farming techniques rely on synthetic pesticides and fossil-fuel derived fertilizers that have an immense carbon footprint. If you want to minimize your carbon emissions, look for coffee that is certified organic and Fair Trade.

Organic products help safeguard the environment, farmers and their families as well as local communities. By forgoing synthetic chemicals altogether, farmers are able to keep their environments healthier and safer for themselves and their family and friends.

Organic farmers use biodegradable fertilizers such as compost or manure to nourish coffee plants and increase yields, while decreasing pesticide usage on their fields. As a result, their soil becomes healthier and more fertile than those sprayed with insecticides and herbicides.

Organic coffee offers another important advantage, in that it’s produced without using artificial substances or preservatives – this makes for optimal flavor and body in every sip. Incorporating artificial preservatives may also prevent cancer, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity dementia and indigestion from occurring.

Though the organic coffee industry is growing, many small farms struggle with affording its cost of certification as organic. As well as this process cost, many coffee farms face low profit margins due to global competition – however for those who can afford it, organic coffee offers a great way to support sustainable farming practices while supporting small-scale producers.

Organic coffee offers many health advantages, one being its high level of antioxidants that are vital to good living. Regular consumption can strengthen your immunity and fight off infections more effectively. In addition, drinking organic coffee also contains more beneficial bacteria which aid digestion while fighting harmful ones to promote overall digestive and immune health.

Organic coffee offers many advantages, both to you and the environment. When more consumers switch over, more conventional farmers may change their ways and have a more positive effect on local communities.