Consuming mushrooms through tea is one of the newest and most trendy ways of doing so, making for an easy way to consume these superfoods and reap their health benefits. This guide will teach you how to prepare mushroom tea while outlining its health advantages.

Brewing mushrooms as tea produces faster effects with minimal stomach upset and allows for precise dosing.

Health Benefits

Psychonauts know the health benefits of psychedelic mushrooms aren’t limited to recreational use; they’re increasingly being utilized as therapeutic agents, treating conditions like depression and anxiety. Breathing their active compound, psilocybin, through steaming tea can produce synergistic effects which accelerate mental healing and rewiring – no wonder so many experienced psychonauts prefer tea over eating whole mushrooms!

Making mushroom tea is easy: all it requires is steeping some dried or fresh mushroom pieces for five to ten minutes in hot water at approximately 100deg F (38deg C). Avoid boiling your mushroom pieces since high heat degrades their psilocybin content; rather finely chop or grind your mushrooms before infusing with hot water to increase surface area exposure for faster infusion.

Once the infusion has ended, you should strain it to remove mushroom pieces and the tea can either be enjoyed as is or mixed with additional herbs for more flavorful and medicinal effects. Some popular combinations are chamomile to help soothe upset stomachs, lavender for relaxation and sage for energy; the ideal magic mushroom tea should also be caffeine free so as to maximize its psychedelic experience.

mushroom tea offers an easy and safe way for beginners to experience the potential of psychedelic mushrooms, and maintaining a positive attitude and safe setting is key in doing so. From outdoor retreats in nature or intimate indoor spaces – both environments can have profoundly affective experiences during psychedelic journeys.

While mushroom tea offers many health advantages, individual experiences may differ significantly. Therefore, it’s recommended that you start off slowly and consult your healthcare provider prior to beginning this unique brew. In addition, try sipping it while in an emotionally healthy state such as meditation or engaging in other beneficial activities.


Many of the best magic mushroom tea recipes incorporate herbs and ingredients with culinary as well as therapeutic benefits, blending herbs into your tea can enhance its effects while providing an easily digestible concoction that’s gentle on your stomach. Finding a mixture that caters to your individual taste preferences will be crucial.

Some people enjoy making their own magic mushroom tea, as this allows them to tailor it specifically to their individual needs. When creating mushroom tea at home, make sure that you finely chop or grind the mushrooms to increase their surface area for faster infusion of active compounds into the body. Furthermore, when selecting high quality dried mushrooms that have been purge-purged and contain minimal to no toxins.

Once the mushrooms have been chopped or ground into small pieces, they should be submerged in hot water for 10-20 minutes, to allow the psilocybin to dissolve in it. Some people also add lemon juice when making this kind of tea to accelerate its effects and combat any nausea-inducing properties of mushrooms.

In order to produce optimal mushroom tea results, it is essential that the best mushroom tea recipes include instructions for setting an ideal temperature and brew time. Ideally, the water should be brought up to boil briefly but then left simmering for at least one or two minutes at low temperature so as to not degrade psilocybin levels in mushrooms. After steeping time is up it is advised that strain out any mushrooms left behind from your infusion before disposing.

Final product should be a clear, dark-colored liquid with mild flavorings such as herbal tea or flavorings that do not interact with psilocybin in any way. A popular addition for flavor is ginger which not only adds a unique taste but may help promote digestion too!


Mushrooms from the Psilocybe genus contain natural psychedelic properties due to the presence of psilocybin, an alkaloid which when consumed as either tea or pills can induce hallucinations and other effects like euphoria and out-of-body experiences. The timing and intensity of these experiences depends on factors like dosage, brewing method and setting; typically mushrooms are eaten whole or ground into powder for use in cooking or capsule microdosing while tea ingestion is more gentle on stomach while providing more control over dosage and timing of results.

Making mushroom tea at home can be an enjoyable and fulfilling endeavor for any aspiring psychonaut. To start off safely and responsibly, start off slowly. Use only fresh, high-grade shrooms when crafting this drink; for optimal results use one eighth cup of shrooms mixed with two cups of water as per this recipe’s serving size recommendations or desired potency level.

Making psilocybin tea requires following various recipes, but for safety it is essential that proper preparation techniques be adhered to. First, heat water to approximately 70oC 158oF; any higher temperatures could destroy any psychoactive compounds present in mushrooms.

Once your water is prepared, add your ingredients and steep for 10-20 minutes before straining out solid pieces from mushrooms which may cause nausea. It is best to do this step since solid pieces could lead to unpleasant outcomes for some individuals.

Teabags can also help reduce nausea. Psychonauts who have experience using magic mushrooms have found that sipping teabags with ground up mushrooms hastening digestion is more comfortable, since their powdered form doesn’t contain as many indigestible chitin parts that cause discomfort in their gastrointestinal system.


Magic mushrooms are generally safe to consume, although hallucinations may be disconcerting and even frightening for some individuals. Additionally, raw mushroom consumption can result in stomach upset and nausea – to avoid these unwanted side effects many prefer mushroom tea, which is gentle on their digestive systems and can be made using various ingredients.

Mushrooms contain psilocybin, which is a psychoactive compound that produces psychedelic effects. While the results of taking mushrooms can range from euphoria to out-of-body experiences, anxiety, and depression could result. Therefore, only consume mushrooms under the supervision of someone sober when taking these drugs.

One popular method of consuming magic mushrooms is through teamaking, an age-old tradition in many cultures around the world. There are various ways of creating and enjoying this potent drink; it is essential that consumers understand its risks and benefits before selecting their preferred method of preparation and enjoyment.

As part of making mushroom tea, the first step involves grinding or chopping mushrooms into a fine powder, to release psilocin into the water and enhance your experience. Next, this mushroom powder should be added to hot water and steeped for 10-20 minutes to extract more psilocin; this method is known as long mastication technique because it maximizes exposure of fungi to chitinase enzyme which breaks down chitin, rendering mushrooms edible.

Some individuals prefer adding additional ingredients to their mushroom tea, such as ginger or herbal tea, although this should be taken with caution as these substances could interact with psilocybin and alter its effects. It’s also best to avoid mixing magic mushroom tea with drugs or alcohol since this can heighten toxicity and adverse side effects.

Mushrooms can also be purchased in capsule form, making them an excellent way to microdose or sidestep potential adverse side effects associated with cooking and eating mushrooms. Furthermore, capsules may help mitigate risk for bad trips or flashbacks caused by their consumption.