Reishi mushroom extract can be an excellent way to start off your day or help relax before sleeping. But make sure you purchase only products containing pure mushroom extract!

Germanium-rich fungi help cleanse and detoxify the body, flush away toxins, and alleviate stress significantly. Furthermore, their Germanium content supports skin elasticity, smoothens facial features, makes freckles go away quicker, and even removes melanomas and freckles altogether.


Reishi mushrooms are an integral component of tra linh chi reishi mushroom tea, providing multiple benefits that strengthen immune systems and digestion, as well as supporting treatments of several diseases like cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. Their composition includes substances that bolster both, including polysaccharides which have antibacterial and immunostimulatory properties – particularly against tumors – as well as peptidoglycan which has strong liver protective effects.

Reishi mushrooms not only help prevent tumor growth, but they can also lower blood fat levels and prevent high blood pressure. Furthermore, they increase collagen production and accumulation in injured tissues thereby speeding healing time and minimizing scarring potential. Furthermore, this fungus contains several beneficial substances for skin health such as beta-glucan (long chains of glucose) and selenium which provide additional protection.

Reishi mushrooms contain several beneficial nutrients that may help prevent gout and other metabolic diseases, including peptidoglycan, which boosts your body’s natural detoxification process and lowers uric acid levels in your system. Furthermore, potassium and zinc minerals found in reishi mushrooms support maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels within your system.

Reishi mushrooms are real-world bracket fungi found in the Pacific Northwest of United States and Canada as well as Korea, Japan and China. Reishi is parasitic or saprotrophic fungi which feed off dead wood from maple trees to survive and reproduce.

Prevents Cancer

Reishi mushroom’s polysaccharide helps ward off cancer by inhibiting tumor cell growth and their metastasis, and by ridding the body of viruses and bacteria that contribute to cancer. Beta glucans found in these mushrooms help lower triglycerides and cholesterol in both the blood and liver, with peptidoglycan acting as a powerful liver protector. In addition, green reishi contains GABA (gamma-aminobutryic acid) to ward off nerve cell degeneration as well as protect it from toxins in its contents – thus keeping brain cancer away!

Studies have demonstrated that Reishi can increase hair growth and slow aging in men by inhibiting DHT production and blocking miniaturization of hair follicles. It can also reduce oxidative stress that contributes to premature aging as well as prevent the formation of free radicals on their scalp and skin.

Reishi mushrooms contain selenium, vitamin E and polysaccharides that act as natural moisturizers to ensure soft and elastic skin. Reishi is also capable of detoxifying the body, eliminating toxins and relieving stress – this will quickly improve complexion by significantly decreasing wrinkles and freckles as well as slowing the aging process; furthermore they contain triterpenoids to fight free radicals which speed up wound healing while simultaneously supporting collagen formation – in addition to being an immune-suppressing therapy treatment method during chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment sessions.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Green Reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides, peptidoglycan and selenium that help lower blood pressure and improve liver function. Peptidoglycan found within these mushrooms helps lower cholesterol, triglycerides and fat levels in the blood while selenium encourages detoxification processes in your body to help remove toxins out. Adenosine present within them also aids the body’s excretion of uric acid from your system which benefits gout sufferers.

Reishi mushroom tea contains ingredients derived entirely from Ganoderma lucidum harvested on modern equipment, providing an all-natural way to strengthen immunity, treat high blood pressure and assist with diabetes management.

Treats Nervous System Depression

Reishi mushroom tea helps strengthen and increase resistance in the body by strengthening immunity and immunity. It has numerous other health benefits as well, including helping reduce agents for cancer treatment, lowers blood pressure, treating digestive issues and preventing diabetes, as well as providing essential nourishment that promotes good health while helping defend against infections.

Reishi mushroom tea in the morning can help boost energy and help soothe anxiety. You can also drink it at night to promote relaxation and sleep, making it a wonderful mood-enhancing supplement to add to your diet. Plus, its rich concentration of hydroxyproline and hexosamine aid wound healing by increasing collagen production within the body – as well as being powerful anti-tumor agents that also support liver health!

Lowers Blood Fat Levels

Green Reishi Mushroom contains polysaccharides and beta-glucan that help regulate blood fat levels by lowering triglycerides, cholesterol, and excess liver fat. Furthermore, its polysaccharides and beta-glucan help increase excretory system and restore liver function – these features serve as natural preventions against obesity and fatty liver diseases; furthermore they act as treatments for those suffering with Gout as selenium contained in this mushroom promotes and stimulates the body’s natural detoxification system through liver mechanism and excretory system thus reducing uric acid accumulation while protecting joints further from further injury.

Reishi mushroom can provide significant skin protection. Peptidoglycan found within it helps preserve collagen levels, decreasing signs of age such as freckles and melasema. Furthermore, antioxidants found in Reishi may slow down aging processes for healthier glowing skin.

Reishi mushroom has long been used in traditional medicine, and more recently it has also entered the cosmetic industry as an ingredient. Utilizing its many health and beauty benefits, lingzhi is now being added to beauty products as well as health foods. PEROMA will reveal some exciting discoveries made about reishi by scientists; in order to take full advantage of it’s advantages it’s vital that high quality products contain only premium reishi extract powder; this ensures you gain all its health and beauty advantages.

Prevents Diabetes

Reishi mushrooms contain glucans which are effective at controlling blood sugar levels and helping the pancreas produce insulin more effectively, as well as supporting cell health, to lower risk for diabetes and help prevent complications. At present, injecting insulin directly into the body is costly and harmful to its pancreas. A natural alternative, mushroom tea could serve as an ideal treatment option with no harmful side effects.

Reishi mushroom contains beta-glucans, long chains of sugar molecules which are beneficial for skin. Beta-glucans help the body store water more effectively, keeping skin hydrated from within and decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, polysaccharides present in Reishi can decrease blood fat levels while increasing metabolism in the body.

Reishi mushrooms contain adenosine, an anti-oxidant that aids liver detoxification. Furthermore, selenium serves as a powerful anti-ageing agent while its triterpene content protects from free radicals while inhibiting tumor development.

Reishi mushroom tea can be an effective choice for individuals suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes or gout. Its combination of adenosine and polysaccharides can lower cholesterol levels while simultaneously decreasing triglycerides and fat in both blood and liver. Furthermore, Reishi can assist patients to excrete excess uric acid through sweat glands to avoid further joint damage.