Organic Ganoderma Lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms, popularly referred to as the Reishi mushroom or King of Herbs in Chinese tradition, have long been revered as “Mushrooms of Immortality”. Packed full of polysaccharides, triterpenes, amino acids and other bioactive compounds reishi is often studied for its potential to enhance and protect human health, particularly with regards to cardiovascular systems.

Reishi fruiting bodies and mycelium contain numerous active compounds which have been proven to strengthen the functioning of immune cells such as natural killer cells (NK) which play an essential role in cancer elimination. Reishi also boasts abundant antioxidants – particularly polyphenols – believed to protect against cell damage caused by oxidative stress, potentially leading to chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease.

Ganoderma lucidum extracts have been shown to significantly decrease major risk factors associated with cardiometabolic disorders, including blood pressure, lipids and glucose metabolism. A study with 84 patients with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome demonstrated this benefit: G. lucidum improved fasting plasma glucose and triglycerides by 20% while simultaneously lowering LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and apolipoprotein B; it also decreased inflammation markers, reduced fibrosis markers and enhanced insulin sensitivity – an impressive feat indeed.

Studies on reishi’s antioxidant properties have demonstrated that freeze-dried G. lucidum has greater antioxidant activity than heat-dried G. lucidum and that polysaccharides and 12-acetyl ganoderic acid F are related to this increased activity; their high concentration may be a result of their release by maturing spores.

ORGANO(r) gourmet black coffee is an indulgent and invigorating premium blend that contains an extensive array of essential nutrients, such as organic reishi mushroom. The rich taste of dark roasted coffee is balanced by its mild back note of flavor from these ‘adaptogens’ providing triterpenoids and amino acids – ensuring an energetic start to any day or indulgent afternoon boost! ORGANO’s gourmet black coffee offers everything you need for optimal wellness in one nutrient packed cup – perfect! ORGANO’s gourmet black coffee offers everything needed for optimal wellness!

Organic Coffee Beans

Organic coffee beans are grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides; traditional coffee plants often receive sprayings with harmful substances which leave residues behind after harvesting, processing, transportation and roasting. Roasting processes help leach out these chemicals from the coffee beans so only harmless proteins remain. Organically produced beans also benefit the environment as there are no chemicals or artificial fertilizers polluting soil and water sources.

Organic coffee is not only better for the planet; it’s also delicious! Artisan roasters that produce popular organic brands use specialty beans with smoother and fuller flavors for an unparalleled cup of java. Furthermore, many offer fair trade and direct trade options so customers can work directly with farmers.

If you own a pod coffee machine, consider switching over to organic, fair trade pods for optimal use. Plastic and aluminum pods contain bisphenol F and bisphenol S which have been shown to disrupt hormones as well as microplastics; organic coffee pods made of cardboard are much safer both environmentally and health wise.

Consider purchasing a pour over or French press coffeemaker as another environmentally-friendly solution. These devices remove the need for plastic pods and reusable filters, providing an eco-friendly alternative. They’re also easier to keep clean thanks to removable and washable filters that can quickly be rinsed clean after each use.

Organo Gold‘s Organic Black Coffee in convenient sachets offers on-the-go convenience at its finest, featuring Arabica beans from robust farms combined with Ganoderma lucidum spot powder for an exceptional tasting, rich and smooth experience. Available at just PS22 per 30 Sachet pack – an outstanding value given its superior quality!

Organo Gold offers supplements and wellness products containing Ganoderma spore powder in addition to coffee. These include capsules, tea bags and drinks like Green Tea with Ganoderma. Their multilevel marketing business model allows individuals to become independent Distributors who sell the company’s products – just sign up online on their website to discover more.

Organic Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushrooms have long been revered as “the mushroom of immortality” in Traditional Chinese Medicine, used for thousands of years to balance stress, boost immune health and promote overall well-being. Our organic reishi is water extracted to ensure we capture all its active compounds such as beta-1>3 glucans and triterpenoids for maximum effectiveness.

Our premium non-GMO reishi comes from China where it has been farmed for centuries, free from soy, gluten, fillers, preservatives and flavors – and has undergone rigorous third party lab testing to ensure its purity, potency and safety.

Reishi mushrooms are carefully grown unperturbed on logs in China’s Wuyi Mountains of Fuzhou region, which allows its mycelium to absorb nutrients from wood while its fruiting body develops. As a result, this produce yields high-quality products packed with polysaccharides, amino acids and other key nutrients for maximum results.

Attainable organic Reishi stands apart from most mushroom supplements sold in North America which are mycelium grown on grains by being 100% fruiting body and free from starch. A 2017 Nature study revealed that 74% of US Reishi supplements contained high levels of starch which detracts from its potential activity due to beta (1>3, ( 1>6)-glucans and active triterpenoids that set Ganoderma Lucidum apart as one of the “king of herbs”.

Reishi and coffee make an energising combination that can boost concentration at any time of day, thanks to reishi’s stimulating effects and coffee’s boosting potential. Plus, organic cocoa powder adds rich, smooth flavor without added sugars for those with sensitive stomachs – perfect for those seeking relief from chronic fatigue! Furthermore, taking reishi may reduce stress and improve sleep while simultaneously aiding weight loss by curbing cravings for carbohydrates and sugar; furthermore it may reduce physical fatigue severity as well as enhance physical performance while cocoa powder may enhance emotional well being further!

Organic Spore Powder

Ganoderma lucidum mushroom spores provide a potency source of nutrition that can benefit individuals in numerous ways. They contain triterpenes similar to those found in ginseng, another popular health herb with medicinal benefits, making this fungus known for its healing powers such as helping fight off illness, reduce stress levels, increase energy and sleep quality as well as natural anti-ageing benefits. Furthermore, they may strengthen immunity while offering natural anti-ageing advantages.

Organo Gold Coffee‘s organic spoon powder is made of the spores from this rare and ancient mushroom and steam-sterilized to ensure safety. Next, they are ground into a fine shell-broken powder which then passes through metal detection to screen out impurities before sieving for any remaining impurities resulting in an organic broken-shell Reishi spore powder which can be added to drinks and meals to boost immunity.

Organo Gold offers an assortment of products, such as coffee, tea, supplements and personal care items. Established by Bernardo Chua in 2008 as a multilevel marketing business model, those interested in becoming Independent Distributors may register at Organo Gold’s website and receive training materials and other resources needed to get started as Independent Distributors.

Organo Gold coffee features organic beans grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers that have been certified organic, which combine with organic reishi mushrooms and herbs for maximum health benefits. Furthermore, this unique blend is free from gluten, sugar and calories for additional convenience.

Organo Gold’s gourmet black coffee boasts an irresistibly flavorful experience and comes packaged in convenient sachets for on-the-go convenience. Packed with organic reishi mushrooms and other functional ingredients to support cognitive function, promote cell repair and growth, balance blood sugar levels and keep energy stable – and are even infused with organic ginkgo biloba for extra brain health and memory support!

Organo Gold’s premium King of Coffee blend features an unparalleled combination of Arabica beans from robust farms and organic reishi mushroom spore powder for an unrivalled, rich, full flavor. In addition, this combination includes herbal extracts and minerals known to boost immunity, such as ginseng and Eurycoma longifolia.