Many coffee creamers contain excess amounts of added sugars and saturated fats that can undermine your healthy eating goals. Even one small serving can pack an abundance of calories that contribute to weight gain as well as health conditions like diabetes, heart disease and elevated cholesterol. When selecting a nutritious coffee creamer product, look for ones with reduced added sugar, more beneficial fats and no unwanted additives.

If you’re in search of healthier dairy creamer alternatives, there are plenty of healthier choices available to you. Choose non-dairy creamers which typically don’t contain added sugars and artificial ingredients; coconut milk-based or MCT oil-infused creamers might even provide delicious flavors while supporting energy needs.

When it comes to finding the most nutritious coffee creamer, your choices depend on your dietary needs and preferences. For instance, lactose intolerant individuals would benefit from switching out traditional milk for organic nondairy creamer free of added sugars; but those looking for richer texture options might prefer grass-fed butter or ghee; both contain essential nutrient-dense fats which help their bodies function more optimally.

Healthier coffee creamers include those that contain minimal amounts of sweetener and natural flavors such as vanilla extract or cinnamon. You could also make your own using low-fat milk, plant-based milks such as almond, coconut or MCT oil (which has energy boosting benefits) or MCT oil, among others.

When searching for a healthy creamer, keep these points in mind when shopping: low-saturated fat content, no more than 4 grams of added sugar and no artificial ingredients. Be sure to read through its nutrition label as well to ensure you’re receiving adequate amounts of proteins and calcium for a complete nutritional profile.

One of the most beloved coffee creamers available today is So Delicious’s Oat Milk Coffee Creamer, offering creamy and smooth taste while being vegan, dairy-free and non-GMO Project certified. Containing 1 gram of saturated fat per tablespoon with no additional sugars, fillers gums or emulsifiers (oat milk creamer also contains whole oats, water and nondairy milk to complete its healthy profile), this creamer boasts no harmful trans fatty acids nor carrageenan!). It features no additional sugars fillers gums or emulsifiers either; all this make for a truly enjoyable coffee experience every time!

Although this creamer contains lower amounts of saturated fats and more oats than others on this list, it still contains some additives such as four grams of added sugar per tablespoon as well as gums; the nutritional information listed on its packaging refers to one teaspoon serving size.

Simply Oats makes an oat milk creamer which is suitable for those avoiding dairy. Made of oats, water and non-dairy ingredients, each tablespoon only has 1 gram of saturated fat; additionally it contains 4 grams of added sugar but no additional additives or artificial sweeteners are present.