What Does Mushroom Tea Do to You?
With trendy tea trends like yerba mate, golden milk and detox tea on the rise, mushroom tea may soon join as one of the next wave of healthy hot beverages. Mushrooms have long been used in traditional medicine; adding mushrooms into tea may boost immunity, enhance cognitive performance and support immune function.
Reishi and cordyceps mushrooms are among the most frequently found in mushroom tea, each offering its own distinct benefits. Reishi is known as an adaptogen which promotes calmness and centeredness while its antioxidants can combat free radical damage to help slow aging processes. Cordyceps is an energizing tonic which supports energy production and endurance while simultaneously balancing hormones, fighting stress and increasing blood circulation.
While mushroom tea offers numerous health advantages, it is important to remember that not all mushrooms are the same – some may produce psychoactive effects. Psilocybin found in magic mushrooms has been found to produce altered perception and feelings of fear and paranoia when consumed at high doses; as such many users of mushrooms emphasize “set and setting” when taking these mind-altering substances in safe environments with complete control over their environment. Even when consumed moderately some people can still experience hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), where visual disturbances or flashbacks persist after leaving the mushroom experience itself – this disorder continues well after consumption even with controlled doses!
As such, when purchasing mushroom tea it is crucial that only organic vegan products with only standard mushrooms, herbs and spices contain as ingredients are the lowest risk of adverse side effects. Also important when purchasing mushroom tea are contraindications or warnings on its label such as certain blends not being suitable for pregnant women taking blood thinners as this may interfere with certain medications, or high oxalate content which could lead to kidney stones if consumed excessively.
Nature’s Rise conducted a recent study that suggests drinking mushroom tea each morning may provide various health benefits. Study participants experienced increased energy, improved mental clarity and decreased stress and anxiety levels as well as an increase in immune system strength measured through blood tests.