An early morning cup of coffee can help set us up for success, but if we add too much creamer or sugar it can have harmful consequences. Registered dietitians suggest limiting our consumption of added sugars and dairy products in order to promote overall wellness and weight management.

As part of their quest to avoid harmful additives in their coffee, many individuals are seeking healthier alternatives to coffee creamer. There are plenty of choices out there which provide the same creamy texture and flavor without all of the extra sugar and preservatives found in traditional brands.

Note that although these products are labeled non-dairy, they still contain milk protein in the form of sodium caseinate (derived from casein found in milk) which should be suitable for most lactose intolerant individuals as well as allergy / sensitive individuals looking for truly dairy-free and vegan options.

Another critical consideration in these products is their high fat content, which may help promote weight management; however, it should also be remembered that most of us don’t need additional fats in our diet and too much may create imbalances within our gut microbiome.

Coconut milk offers a tasty low-fat option and is easy to find at most grocery stores, providing tropical flavor while providing essential potassium, magnesium, and iron nutrients for your cup of coffee.

Search for almond or cashew milks as delicious dairy alternatives for those who are lactose intolerant, such as restaurants and coffee shops. Frothing will create a delightfully creamy drink!

One of the best alternatives to coffee creamer is plain, unsweetened coconut milk. Not only does it boast a delicious taste but its sugar levels are extremely low while its high levels of good fats support heart health and digestion.

Add protein powder for an energizing drink or sweeten with maple syrup, honey or true stevia leaf extract for extra flavoring options that fit with your nutritional goals and lifestyle. With these simple ingredients in hand, creating healthy coffee creamers that support both goals can become easy.