Healthy alternatives to coffee mate include coconut, almond and cashew milk as popular dairy-free choices that offer similar creamy textures with subtle flavors but without extra sugar. They provide rich flavour and creamy textures while adding protein as an important source of satiety and appetite control.

Cinnamon can help to lower blood glucose levels in some individuals, while various spices, like pumpkin pie spice or chocolate powder, can add variety and enhance the natural flavors of your coffee.

Unsweetened plant-based milk combined with natural sweeteners such as stevia, monk fruit or honey may make an excellent coffee creamer substitute if you are diabetic or need to reduce sugar intake; it may even provide relief if traditional dairy creamers, like Coffee-Mate, become difficult for them.

Nutpods vegan coffee creamer offers an alternative to traditional half and half, with one tablespoon containing only 10 calories and no additional sugar added. Available both as powder and refrigerated liquid form for convenient purchase. Made with coconut and almond milk as well as natural flavors.