No one beats a warming cup of hot coffee on a crisp morning, yet this powerful beverage also contains health-benefiting compounds to nourish and rejuvenate the body in various ways. Coffee’s primary components are caffeine and polyphenolic chlorogenic acids – and in one randomized controlled trial conducted using green coffee bean extract significantly reduced body weight and fat mass among participants consuming calorie restricted diets when compared with placebo participants. Chlorogenic acids found in green coffee beans increased Adiponectin production as well as decreasing plasma total cholesterol, Triglycerides LDLC concentrations – both effects were achieved by increasing Adiponectin while simultaneously decreasing plasma total cholesterol, Triglycerides & LDLC plasma total cholesterol, T.

Green coffee beans, which have not been roasted, contain more natural chlorogenic acid than their roasted counterparts and may therefore offer greater potential health benefits. This may explain their success at combatting diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Coffee farms and coops tend to be situated in remote regions where organic certification can be expensive. Speaking with farmers in coffee growing countries, I have found that investing in such certification is often not financially worthwhile unless there are large buyers such as Starbucks willing to cover its higher premiums for organic production.