Every time you take a sip of your morning cup of joe – whether at home or from your local coffee shop on the high street – it represents something much greater than just beans and water. A lot of work goes into crafting the ideal cup, from selecting beans and milk to creating just the right brew. Knowing where it originated, its origin, cultivation methods and organic certification status is important – but is organic really superior?

Organic products are free from synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs; for coffee specifically, the USDA Organic label certifies that your beans were grown without these harmful substances – in fact, there are specific guidelines laid out by them from seed to cup that must be strictly adhered to.

Organic is beneficial because the soil your beans grow in will be nourished naturally by compost and manure instead of chemical fertilizers, while farms employing this approach also avoid harmful fungicides and pesticides that leech into our environment and water supply.

Organic farmers take great care to not introduce harmful chemicals into the environment, and are especially considerate of those working their fields and protecting their health. Pesticides and fungicides pose health threats not just to themselves but also those they rely on for sustenance; organic certification requires workers aren’t exposed to anything that might compromise both them and the planet.

Organic farmers are encouraged to adopt fair trade practices that enhance the lives of both themselves and their communities. Many certified organic coffee coops also follow these standards, so when you drink this coffee you’re supporting both farmers and their families while reaping all its health benefits!

Organic coffee tastes better! Conventional coffee is typically treated with insecticides and fungicides to protect it from insects; their absence gives organic coffee a much sweeter and balanced flavor profile, plus shade grown organic beans offer fuller body with less acidity.