Neel Premkumar made a lifestyle shift when expecting twins, opting to switch over to natural products such as water enhancers. From there he came up with Stur; an organic cold-brew coffee energy shot. From that came FORTO.

FORTO’s 2-ounce shots provide the energy equivalent of two cups of coffee in a single shot and contain 200 mg of caffeine, making it a natural alternative to energy drinks and shots with artificial ingredients and additives, according to Premkumar. Since its launch in 2014, sales of FORTO have doubled annually; and now rank as one of the No.1 organic, ready-to-drink shelf stable coffee shots on the market.

Dyla LLC of West New York, N.J. distributes this USDA-certified product made up of water, Fair Trade Certified cold-brew FORTO coffee (made up of water, coffee extract and sugar), organic milk, baking soda and natural flavor from coffee – as well as organic caffeine from coffee! FORTO is available nationwide through convenience store channels nationwide as well as debuting its brand new package design at Natural Products Expo West tradeshow this March.