Finding out that chocolate helps heart health, red wine sharpens brain function and coffee contains antioxidants is always encouraging. But when studies demonstrate an even deeper benefit to our favorite treat than originally anticipated – like Ikaria residents known for longevity living long lives – reveals that drinking daily boiled coffee could extend life expectancies further and increase physical activity throughout their lifetimes. But there’s one catch – you must prepare it exactly in the way Ikaria residents do in order to reap all these advantages!

Researchers found that residents who regularly consumed boiled coffee had significantly better blood vascular function compared to those who didn’t consume any caffeine, meaning their arteries behaved more like those of younger individuals. It is thought that key elements are found within its beans used, the way it’s prepared and its moderate amounts of caffeine content.

Greek coffee differs significantly from its American counterpart in that it’s lightly roasted and finely ground, almost powdery, before being boiled traditionally in a tapered, small pot called a briki to extract more healthy compounds found within its bean such as polyphenols and antioxidants, plus higher amounts of cafestol and kahweol which provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Buettner emphasizes the importance of boiling coffee as it increases levels of soluble fiber – known to have positive effects on digestion and help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels – while simultaneously having less caffeine than filtered coffee, helping reduce risk factors like jitters, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate.

Though the exact cause for why Greek coffee may be beneficial remains elusive, one possible factor may be related to its cultural importance in Greece. There, drinking coffee is more than just an everyday beverage – it’s part of an intricate tradition and ritual enjoyed among friends and family that may actually contribute to better health outcomes. Slow sipping and relaxing environments all play their parts.

Coffee may help people lose weight because it increases metabolism. A strong cup of boiled coffee may speed up this process and assist with weight loss. Greek coffee contains no significant side effects of caffeine consumption, making it popular with dieters looking to cut back on overall caffeine intake and improve memory, mood and vigilance. Greek coffee may also provide lasting mental health benefits, including improved memory and learning capabilities, an increase in focus and reaction speed to events or tasks, as well as due to higher levels of soluble fiber and antioxidants found in this beverage.